Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Famous Spiegeltent

Spiegeltent to podrozujacy namiot widowiskowy wzorowany na tych od ktorych sto lat temu roilo sie w Europie. The Famous Spiegeltent zbudowany w 1920 r. jest sala taneczna, scena koncertowa i kabaretowa, klubem festiwalowym i barem goszczacym slynnych artystow burleski, muzykow i cyrkowcow. Zbudowany z plotna, drewna, szkla i luster pojawia sie corocznie na festiwalu teatralnym w Edynburgu oferujac rozrywke na najwyzszym poziomie.
Zdjecia pochodza z sierpnia 2007 kiedy wspolpracowalam ze Spiegeltentem jako fotograf a artysci na zdjeciach to m.in. Amanda Palmer, Camille O'Sullivan, Tripod, Mikelangelo, Orkestra del Sol, The Black Seeds, Bob Downe i moje wielkie odkrycie, debiutujaca wowczas Patti Plinko and Her Boy.

Spiegeltents are hand-hewn pavilions used as traveling dance halls, bars and entertainment salons since they were created in the early 20th century. There are only a hand-full of these unique and legendary ‘tents of mirrors’ left in the world today. Built of wood, mirrors, canvas, leaded glass and detailed in velvet and brocade, each has its own personality and style.The most beautiful of the last remaining Belgian Spiegeltents, The Famous Spiegeltent, was built in 1920 by master craftsmen Oscar Mols Dom and Loius Goor. This Grande Dame has spent her lifetime at the bequest of festivals and fairgrounds throughout Europe and beyond, playing host to the world’s greatest cabaret artists, musicians and circus burlesque performers.
The Famous Spiegeltent is a mainstay of the Edinburgh Festivals season and is a star in her own right, hosting parties, concerts, clubs and a myriad stunning performances. She has launched the careers of countless artists and travels to the four corners of the world from Edinburgh to Melbourne, Brighton to Montreal.
These images were taken on August 2007 when i worked for Spiegeltent as a photographer and photographed artists inlude Amanda Palmer, Camille O'Sullivan, Tripod, Mikelangelo, Orkestra del Sol, The Black Seeds, Bob Downe and Patti Plinko and Her Boy.

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